T minus 2 weeks and 2 days til dragoncon. How did it sneak up on us so fast?? You know things are bad because I haven’t packed “the old stuff” yet.
Chase and I are trying to quasi-quarantine before the con, only going out when necessary. We’ve both still got hair appointments in the next week, and we’ll have to do grocery/target a couple of times, but otherwise trying not to do a ton of running around to joann/michael’s/lowe’s/etc. We’d originally wanted to check out the new Covington Comic Con this past weekend, but between so much work left to do and not wanting to be around a ton of people, we sat it out. Hopefully next year!
Let’s start with Wanda progress.

I got the zipper basted in to the bodice, but I don’t want to fully sew it on/close it up yet until I can put the collar/front panel on to make sure everything is in the right place. Since this picture, I trimmed the wig – didn’t do a great job, but it’s fine for now -and finished the skirt. Added the black and red stripes on the edge which was mostly just me laying on the floor applying e6000 with a paintbrush inch at a time. I also got a waistband put on the half cape so it actually sits at my waist (under the bodice) – in these photos it’s pinned onto the pants so it’s sitting a good bit lower than it’s supposed to.

One more. Note curler in my bangs. I haven’t had a haircut since April and I have to curl my bangs every other day so I don’t look ridiculous, they are past my nose in length if I don’t curl them.

Chase is casting my collar and front piece this week.

Saturday I spent a long time on my hip panels.

I ended up running out of the permanent double stick tape I was using on the heavy pleather pieces and had to go out and get more. Also got more of the black pleather because I was nearly out and I want to recut the black pieces for these panels. Once I get back to work on these I think they should come together pretty quickly, I’ve got everything patterned/figured out at this point at this point.
After that I focused on Bail. I got everything hemmed – and had to redo half the hem after I made him try it on again, the entire left side was shorter than the right. I blame the fact he was playing with the cat while I was trying to pin the hem.

Hadn’t pressed the hems yet here. But otherwise mostly done.

These two!
So all that’s left on Bail is I need to do a little “tuck” at the shoulder seam, and then put closures on the jacket. Waiting til he has his belt done to do the closures.
Onto Padme. Ok let’s finally talk about that floral overskirt.

Here’s what I’m going with. This wasn’t Plan B. Or Plan C. I think this is like… Plan G. I had to simplify the design a LOT because otherwise it would not be done in time.
Here’s the 5 panels I finished yesterday.

Still got probably another 20 to go.

Using a pen attachment to draw this onto the stabilizer. Then putting stabilizer on the back of the velvet and cutting the design out. It’s messy but it’s something. Doing about half the cutting with scissors and the other half with a soldering iron with an xacto blade on the end. That works REALLY well when the blade is fresh but not so much when it gets dull. It gets unusable after 2 panels.
I’m only doing the lower half of the skirt. Not doing the upper area hidden by the surcoat. don’t have time for that. I’m still going to have to hand tack all this in place. I reckon I may still be doing that on the ride to atlanta.
Despite my current con crunch situation, last night I was already thinking about post-dragoncon projects — UTENA! Utena version 3. It’s the 20th anniversary of my first version so I’m finally committing to a remake, especially since I never liked the 2nd version. I want to try to get to Gail K Fabrics while in Atlanta for dcon.
Also finished all my masks for dcon – still got Chase’s to do, but my fabric came for my Diane mask.

I’m so happy with how this came out.
I leave you with this amazing sticker my aunt sent me last week.